A Missing Death

Discussion in 'Lancashire' started by Daft Bat, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Daft Bat

    Daft Bat Administrator. Chief cook & bottle washer! Staff Member

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    Northamptonshire, England.
    Sarah Ellen CONSTANTINE was born in 1869 in Stansfield, near Todmorden, West Yorkshire.

    On 30th October 1886, she married Fred COCKCROFT in Halifax Parish Church and the couple set up home together in the Todmorden and Hebden Bridge area. Theirs was a turbulent marriage (I have newspaper reports of court appearances) but they still managed to have 6 children.

    Fred died on 27th August 1911 in Sabden, near Blackburn, Lancashire, his death being registered by Sarah Ellen. Earlier that year at census time, she had been living in their home at 1 Thorn Street, Sabden, whilst Fred was visiting his sister-in-law and family in Hebden Bridge.

    However, I have not found the death for Sarah Ellen.

    She is not the death registered in Calder RD in the September quarter of 1869. Although the age fits (71) this is Sarah Elizabeth rather than Sarah Ellen.

    I have found the following, though:

    Marriage, September Q 1928, Burnley RD:
    Sarah E COCKCROFT and James TERRY

    Death, December Q 1932, Burnley RD:
    Sarah E TERRY aged 63


    I would welcome opinions – or any evidence that might be lurking that I have yet to lay my hands on. ;)

    Thank you :)
  2. AnnB

    AnnB Editor in Chief who is Hot off the Press!

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    North Devon, England
    Here is the report of the sad death of Sarah Ellen Terry from the Nelson Leader of the 15th January 1932
    “This is one of those extraordinary cases which, I suppose, will continue to happen, but it is somewhat disturbing to learn that a person may be suffering from an ailment which cannot be diagnosed by a medical man, and yet is liable at any time to cause instant death,” commented the East Lancashire Coroner (Mr F. Rowland) at the inquest yesterday on Sarah Ellen Terry, 21, Manor Street, Nelson, who, according to the medical evidence, died from cardiac syncope following haemorrhagic condition of the pancreas, commonly known as Sweetbreads. James Terry, an engine tenter, employed at the sewage works, said his wife was 63 years of age and appeared to be a perfectly healthy woman. He had never known her to be attended by a doctor. At 5-30 on Tuesday morning he departed for work, leaving his wife asleep. On returning at 5-20 p.m. he was surprised to see the house in darkness, and his suspicions were aroused when he called for his wife and received no reply. He rushed upstairs and found her lying face downwards on the landing. A doctor was sent for immediately but life was extinct. Fred Terry, step-son of the last witness, said his mother seemed to be in her normal state of health at dinner time. She made no complaint. P.C. Millner said he examined the body and did not find any marks of violence. Dr Ritchie, the police surgeon, who made the post mortem examination, declared that he had never before experienced a case of this description. The circumstances of the woman’s death were most extraordinary, for apparently, she was in perfect health until a severe shock to the system, due to heart failure resulting from the haemorrhagic condition of the pancreas, caused sudden death. A verdict of Death from natural causes was returned, the Coroner expressing sympathy with the bereaved husband and son.
    Eve, janetbooth, Ma-dotcom and 2 others like this.
  3. Sis

    Sis Rootles out resources!

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    Beckenham, Western Australia
  4. arthurk

    arthurk Well-Known Member

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    West Yorkshire, England
    I think you're on the right lines with that marriage in 1928, as the entry for it at Lancashire BMD has Sarah indexed under both Cockcroft and Constantine. Full details (and explanation) at
    Jellylegs and mugwortismy cat like this.
  5. Daft Bat

    Daft Bat Administrator. Chief cook & bottle washer! Staff Member

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    Northamptonshire, England.
    Marvellous! :D

    That's a wonderful newspaper report @AnnB and thank you for the confirmation @arthurk

    I shall order the certificates. :)

    Thank you both.

    Good 'ere, innit? ;)
    Eve, Ma-dotcom, Bay Horse and 3 others like this.
  6. AnnB

    AnnB Editor in Chief who is Hot off the Press!

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    North Devon, England
    My thoughts persactly :D
    Ma-dotcom, Bay Horse and Daft Bat like this.
  7. Nelli

    Nelli Well-Known Member

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    Sourdeval, France
    Great detective work folks. And for your next challenge.....Amy Dudley.....just kidding :D
    AnnB and Daft Bat like this.

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