Recording Stories

Discussion in 'Genealogy Software' started by Elma, Jan 23, 2023.

  1. Elma

    Elma Well-Known Member

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    Sutton, Surrey
    I know we have skirted around this but I wonder if people can tell me what they do?
    I am not thinking of a family tree as such but I really enjoy finding little stories of my ancestors. I am also the 'keeper' of the family photos. Over the years I have perused the information I have.

    An example of this is the only photo I have of my great uncle Albert Godfrey 1893-1949. He was the son of Edwin Godfrey and Eliza Mathews. Nobody seems to know much about him. Looking at his photo it made me think he was timid and shy but am I right?
    On the 1921 census it says 'Refused to Fill Form In', so we have no details of his occupation etc. Then on the 1939 register at the top of the families entry where Albert's details should be, it says 'No 1 details not given'.
    Somehow he looks a lovable chap. There is a single newspaper article on him. Perhaps he shouldn't have stolen the two telegraph poles in 1926 but it was for firewood!

    I don't want to add this to a family tree but perhaps start a blog or website recording these little snippets that bring the ancestors more to life.
    Has anyone any suggestions which would help me record these details, to leave for later family members? It would have to be quite straightforward.
    Thank you Elizabeth Albert Godfrey..jpg
    Ma-dotcom, Chimp, AnnB and 3 others like this.
  2. Bay Horse

    Bay Horse Can be a bit of a dark horse

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    North-west England
    I've been running a private blog since early 2012 on (just to avoid all those little bits of paper and backs-of-envelopes floating around, and to record my thought processes so that I knew why and when I made a decision about something). In 2015 when recovering from my op and unable to go out, I started weeding out the personal stories recorded in my original blog and copying them over to a new one, editing and re-writing, adding photos, with the intention on making this live to friends and relatives. I'm still doing it! - and I'm also finding out more little bits of interest through my ongoing research. I have less spare time now to write, but when grand daughter starts school I aim to finish it.

    Maybe, when I have finished the 'new' tidy blog (which is still set to private) I may even transfer to a proper website or print the whole lot out. I also have Tribal Pages but I do ramble on :oops:, so the blog is more suited to me.

    Watching this thread with interest again, in case there is something better out there.
    janetbooth, Ma-dotcom, Chimp and 4 others like this.

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