I have again found a small untidiness in my Family lives. Mary Jane C.- was registered as born in Mar. Q. 1868 Tunbridge, Kent. Annoyingly her parents marriage listed the groom's father's name instead of his own, 'Stephen-'. There after censuses have correct name. Except for wife 'Eunice' which varies from Unes1881 -unis 1871 to Avis 1862 Christening, Capel, Kent. 1892 has a marriage for Mary Jane C.- to Thomas Adams or Richard Stanley Welch.Not found in later censuses. Another in 1892 is incorrect as the district should be 2a 1309. An entry into workhouse infirmary then onto Barming for a Mary,[also one for Mary Jane- same birth year wife of Edmund an Agent]from Gillingham. not her. Can anyone please decipher the words from her admittance? I know most of them but the last 2 lines. Said to be suffering from religious mania. From Whence Admitted Chatham Other 2 Jun 1903 Medway, Kent, England. I don't know if this the correct person to fit into my family but I would so appreciate anyone's idea of what is printed here-on TIA.
My best guess: She imagines she has "a mission on earth" to deliver from God and that when delivered she will be translated to heaven. Perhaps "translated" should have been "transported"? Edited to add: Nope, translated (KJV) in Hebrews 11:5 simply means "transferred." (Source: Church of the Great God)
Thanks Jan, that makes sense of some rather bad writing. So sad what makes for sending people to institutions, the chap who followed her was said to be the 'main man himself' - in his own mind.
Be careful as there’s 2 similar named towns with different spellings. Tonbridge and Tunbridge Wells. They are only a few miles apart. Barming is nearest to Tonbridge but also close to Maidstone which is a larger town. Don’t know where records were held in the 1860’s.
Thannk you Spanner, yes, the two towns have caused me hassles in the past. This time both are mentioned in various records. Two girls -same name- onewith a 'C.' born same year 1868 one in Jun.Q. Tunbridge, mine, & one in Mar.Q. Maidstone. Several pop up in searches. I think mine may have died early on as another daughter was born in 1878 named Mary Ann. I can't think why the imaginings of the lass mentioned above should be cause for concern as men have been having the same delusions for years.
Have seen religious/devilish delusions in many people while doing research in a psychiatry dept. People only get admitted to hospital if they are a danger to themselves or others with their religious activities (like continually nailing himself to a cross in his living room), or they are accosting others and hanging onto them (assault) and shouting at them, or trying to burn down the houses of the "wicked". There was once a traveling pastor from the bush who had a manic-religious episode and the doctors spent about 8 weeks trying to balance his medication so that he didn't give up his chosen profession due to loss of belief! I can tell you the name of the old-fashioned anti-psychotic they used- and it's still in use. PM me if obsessed.
Interesting post, thank you. Were these from earlier years or recent? I never found any report of release for this lady.
I saw these between 1985 and 2000 and I'm assured that similar cases come along regularly. I used to talk with the affected people sometimes when I was interviewing and observing people with anorexia and bulimia, because all the cases were mixed together in a general hospital psychiatry ward. It was very interesting listening to their "logical" explanations of what they perceived was happening to them. Also, people with religious delusions were fairly quickly despatched back to the community on medication and a bit of talking therapy.
Thank you @Murfomurf. Possibly wasn't such an easy time back 'when' as people were tossed into asylums for sneezing too loud. sort of.