Wot, no ...?

Blog entry posted in 'Wot, no ...?', Mar 2, 2015.

Well! Here we are at the start of yet another new month! Isn’t this year galloping on? Mind you, I shall be glad to see some warmer weather. :) Thank goodness for central heating – but how did our ancestors get on? I can remember the days before central heating, sitting in front of the fire - roasting at the front and icicles at the back! :eek:

There are some missing bits and pieces that Peregrine is looking for in the St Just Gravestones. Are you able to help at all?

Do you remember this at all? chad.jpg

When I was a child, my Dad used to draw this at the slightest provocation – with various comments attached. Usually along the lines of Wot, no football? :rolleyes: This character was the creation of George Edward Chatterton, who adopted the nickname of Mr Chad. The cartoon became popular in the second world war and usually appeared with a comment about the particular shortage of the day: Wot, no butter? Wot, no sugar? Etc. ;) And there you were, thinking that emoticons such as this :) were a new invention! :D However, today is St Chad’s day – not this little chap with the bald head, peering over a wall, but the real one who died back in 672. St Chad was Abbot of several monasteries and also became the Bishop of the Northumbrians, his life being greatly documented in the writings of the Venerable Bede. He became the patron saint of medicinal wells and many people were cured at Chad’s wells, the name living on today in places like Chadwell Heath in London. If you would like to find out about the feast days of other saints, then this book (CSB-55) would be the answer. :)

See you next week!
Half Hour, busyglen, Sis and 15 others like this.
  1. Archie's Mum
    I can remember a similar piece of graffiti on railway buildings, bridges and such over here. Underneath was always written 'Foo was here'.
    Sis, Ma-dotcom, Libby and 3 others like this.
    Archie's Mum, Mar 2, 2015
  2. Chimp
    The ones around here said "Kilroy was here"
    Sis, Londoner, Ma-dotcom and 3 others like this.
    Chimp, Mar 2, 2015
  3. HildaW
    I worked as a secretary and one of my many bosses, the best one ever, a gentleman who never failed to thank me each day when I left the office. The next morning any typing errors or changes he might want were in the letter folder thingy (20 divisions of thick blotting paper like card all bound in a book - does anyone remember these?) and attached to the typed letter/memo was a post-it note sometimes he would draw Mr WOT (that's what we knew him as in the colonies) explaining what he wanted changed, not often, or my typing error more often. I kept all of them and sellotaped them to my filing cabinet, they were such a talking point in the office. A beautiful man, one of the rare souls you meet in life, sadly he died from brain cancer and whenever I see Mr WOT I am fondly reminded that I was lucky to have been able to share part of my life with him.

    My Dad too would sometimes draw Mr WOT, they were both of the same era. Haven't seen Mr WOT in more than 30 years, sad because he was cute and such a polite way of pointing something out.

    Someone should invent a Mr WOT "emoticon" with a place to add some text
    Eve, busyglen, Sis and 7 others like this.
    HildaW, Mar 2, 2015
  4. Archie's Mum
    He has a world wide reputation I see. Also known as Chad amongst others. Lots on Wiki about him!
    busyglen, Sis, Libby and 2 others like this.
    Archie's Mum, Mar 2, 2015
  5. AnnB
    I can remember him as Chad and Kilroy - and guess where we used to live........Chadwell Heath!

    busyglen, Sis, Daft Bat and 1 other person like this.
    AnnB, Mar 2, 2015
  6. Bookworm
    That brings back memories Jan!
    busyglen, Sis and Daft Bat like this.
    Bookworm, Mar 2, 2015
  7. Ma-dotcom
    ["Mind you, I shall be glad to see some warmer weather. "] and here I've been blessing the milder days & nights ,today I went outside & dug holes in clay soil for hopefully a bit of colour soon in the garden, prostrate Rosemary already positioned & looking good. Red Hibiscus to come in later when soil better prepared.
    busyglen, Sis and Daft Bat like this.
    Ma-dotcom, Mar 2, 2015
  8. Bonzo Dog
    A cluster of incendiary bombs landed alongside our school playground, and as most of them had failed to explode, we were kept inside the school for fairly obvious reasons. Our teacher went to find a supply of paper and crayons to keep us occupied. When she returned one of my pals had drawn Mr Chad on the blackboard. Wot, no playtime!!
    Eve, busyglen, Sis and 2 others like this.
    Bonzo Dog, Mar 2, 2015
  9. GrannyBarb
    Dad was a US Army vet. He used to draw this little "Kilroy was here" on paper scraps and leave them around the house. I always took it as a "someone is watching" protective message. I like Mr. Wot much more. :)
    GrannyBarb, Mar 2, 2015
  10. gillyflower
    I have to admit I have never seen - Mr Chad/Wot/Kilroy before
    busyglen, Sis and Daft Bat like this.
    gillyflower, Mar 2, 2015
  11. Findem
    I remember Chad very well, he used to appear all over the place in Chelmsford.
    busyglen, Sis and Daft Bat like this.
    Findem, Mar 2, 2015
  12. Philippa
    Dad brought "Foo" home from his days with the Army in WWII so that's what we always called him. Dad's explanation was that FOO stood for Forward Observation Officer who left the cryptic drawing whenever he left a site. I hadn't heard of Kilroy until fairly recently and Chad even more so. Foo always made me smile and used to pop up in so many different places for many years. What a shame he's being/been forgotten.
    busyglen, Sis and Daft Bat like this.
    Philippa, Mar 3, 2015
  13. busyglen
    I have always known him as Chad, and used to draw him myself in my younger days. :)
    Daft Bat likes this.
    busyglen, Mar 3, 2015
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